Saturday, January 29, 2011

Women can get relief from cold hands and cold feet

There are many, women who have this condition an have to suffer with cold hands and feet. This is usually noticed, more during the night. It can happen to any age women, young, middle aged, or elderly. This condition can be due to a sluggish thyroid gland, the metabloism is hypofunctioning. Their T4, is underfunctioning and this helps regulate the heart, cardiovascular system, and is the back up to the adrenal glands. When this out of balance, it can cause cold hands and feet. You can check your T4, to see whether or not it is high or low, by doing a basal thermometer test. The way to do the basal thermometer test, put a thermometer in a cup next to your bedstand, the night befor your go to sleep. The first thing before you get out of bed while you are still lying down, put the thermometer under your armpit, and check your temperature. Do this same procedure for 4-5 days in a row. keep a record of your temperatures reading for this duration of time if your temperatures are 92.6 degrees fahrenheit or less you have hypofunctioning thyroid gland, 97.6 degrees fahrenheit is normal for the basal temperature. ( If you are menesrating, having your period you have to pick a more appropiate time to do this test). Some women may have low blood pressure, and this can also cause you to have cold hands and feet. There are natural supplements that are helpful with glandular extracts, whole adrenal, thyroid, pituitary gland , Armor - thyroid is a natural thyroid supplement. You can take some og kelp, og calamari- omega 3 og cayenne pepper,- helps to stimulate the heart and ciculation in the body. You can get some chinese linament - called white flower oil, rub a few drops on the soles of your feet in the depression between the large toes and the second, third toes. (caution this is to be used on your external skin only, be careful not to get this near your eyes or any sensitive areas of your body).
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1 comment:

  1. I had to increase my natural thyroid supplements to 3 tablets. Since then i have discontinued the synthetics. I'm finally starting to feel better.
