Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Things that can benefit your heart

We all can use some ideas, to improve our hearts. The heart is a very amazing organ, that can pump blood, and oxygen, to different parts of your body, without you doing anything for it to do this. How does your heart even begin to beat, and how does your heart continue to do this? When the heart is going through gestation, as an embryo, just after your heart organ was formed and those cells, decided to become heart cells, your connection to your creator started, that first initial beat of your heart. From that moment on, your heart beat was synchronized, with your creator and continues to beat to the universal heartbeat, each heart in their own special synchronization. Your mind and your heart are connected, together as one, and they are effected by one another. By calming your mind, you can calm down your heart. You can help regulate your blood pressure, and heart beat, by learning how to calm your thoughts. Allow yourself, and others to love you and learn to open your heart, so that you can receive, love when other people love you, allow them to love you. This is an essential function, of the heart and is the best way to allow yourself, to experience unconditional love, true love, that is part of yourself and everything that you and the creator are made of. Love is what we are, all made of and love is all we need.

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