Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Healing Effects From Crystals

There are many, different types of crystals that can be used for healing. Crystals are live, beings and are made from love and light. They need to be appreciated, by us all fro their unique abilities, they have within them. Crystals can be of certain categories, according to their frequency, and their colors they are made from. Depending on what essence, the crystals are made from is what determines, their individual use. The crystals abilities include different, conditions that they can heal. They are able to combine with other crystals, to be more effective, in their use for healing. Crystals are very evolved, spiritual beings and very sensitive, to energy in their environment. Crystals will tell you, what they want to be used for, if you listen to them. They have preferences, with whom they want to be working with. Crystals are life beings, you can ask them who they, want to work with and for what purpose, they want to be used for. When you want to use the assistance, from a crystal tune in to that chrystal and feel, whether or not that crystal is going to be cooperative, with you to do that task. This is the best way to respect, the crystals and then you can use, them for what they are meant, to be used for and nothing else. There are many different kinds of crystals, you can try one kind, and if this does not work you can choose another one to see if this is the correct one.

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