Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Healing Powers of Water from Hotsprings

We are 75%water, and when we are using natural geothermal hot springs to heal ourselves we get all the natural benefits from the minerals contents of the water and the exposure of hot and cold that will have different effects on the body and immune system. There is also the benefits of the minerals, trace minerals, that can help heal, all kinds of conditions. The hot springs are very healing for our whole body and wellbeing. That make us feel rejuvenated and help calm, our nervous system. When you are alternating, from hot to cold exposure this can help to stimulate, your auto immune system, response to strengthen your bodies natural defenses, to help you prevent colds, and flus, from effecting you. The soothing hot springs, in a natural setting are pleasant, and calming, for your whole being. Some of the waters, are safe to drink and can be very beneficial, in consuming them. A lot of natural hot spring waters contain lithium, sulfur, iron, copper, and clay,(earth) that are very beneficial, for your skin and help detoxify, your body of impurities, and toxins, in and outside of the body. You can submerge yourself in hot springs waters and then walk around in the sunlight, and open air, to allow the natural elements help absorb the vitamin D , minerals, and trace minerals, of the hot spring waters, for beneficial properties. Take time out and relax your mind and soul. Treat yourself to a natural healing properties form the hot sping waters.

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