Friday, January 28, 2011

acupressure to help relieve colitis, chrones syndrome attacks

Here are some acupressure points to help relieve an attack from colitis, divicular ticulitis or chrones syndrome. Using your thumb press down on the opposite side as the painful side, press your thumb on the Li4 point, which is located in between, your index finger and web of the thumb. The Li4,point is at the highest, part of the muscle between, the thumb and the index finger joint. If your pain is in the mid epigastric area, you can apply pressure to both the right and left Li4 points. If you feel nauseous, you can massage and apply pressure, on PC6 point, this is located in the inside of each wrist 3 finger width up from your wrist crease on the palmular side, this point is in between the two tendons, use the right and left sides for any kind of nausea, indigestion, and feeling faint, dizziness, keep massaging with your thumbs or fingers until the acute attack abates or the pain discontinues. When you have any faintness, weakness, chills, headaches, or feeling as though you are going to pass out, apply pressure on ST36 point, It is located along the knee area, 3 fingers down below your kene cap, on the front part of your shin bone ( tibia) The St 36 point, can be massaged or apply pressure with your fingers, it is on both the right and left side of your shin bones. Massage this point to help if you are having an acute, attack of colitis, divicular ticulitis, or chrones synrome. You can apply pressure on SP6 point, when you have severe discomfort from gas, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, cramps, in your epigastric regions. SP6 point, is located on the inside of the ankles 3 fingers up from your inside ankle bone ( internal maliosis) just behind the bone, in the center of your lower leg. SP6 point, is located on the left and right sides of your body. On all of these acupressure points, massge them for about 3-20 minutes changing from point to point or until the discomfort discontinues. If your pain continues, notify your health care professional for treatment.

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