Saturday, January 1, 2011

We Are Connected As One

Just as a family is all connected together with their family members, we are all connected with one another through our ties, which are a part of the fabric of the complex network, that inter connects us to the source of everything, that ever was and will be for eternity. Just as a genetic blueprint of immediate family, from our direct ancestors we are all connected together, from our creator with the exact same identical blueprint. We are all created perfectly, in our creators original blueprint. Every sentient being no matter if it is the tiniest or the grandest, they all have and contain the ultimate spark from our creator. Nothing can be created or manifested without, this spark of the creators love and light. It is the love from our creator that is created and manifested for us, that gives every sentient being life, to live for eternity with our creator. All the cosmos and constellations, planets, suns, moons, planet earth our precious home and everything that ever was and ever will be was created and manifested from our creators love and light, for us all. Because of our connection with our creator, we all contain the ultimate spark of our creators love for us. Even though it appears that we are separate, by our individual appearances, we all have the same original blueprint from our creator, that connects us all together as one.

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