Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Magnetic effects are amplified during full moon

4 or 5 days before the full moon the magnetic energy of the pre- full moon can have effects on planet earth and also people. Some people will notice that they will stay up later, and will have problems going to sleep. They also feel more emotionally sensitive, to how they are feeling. The moon's influence can be a little more amplified, if you are happy , you may feel extremely happy. If you are feeling sad, you may feel depressed. The magnetic energies can make the tides of the ocean to fluctuate, and there maybe a high tide, during the full moon. Romancing the moon, both sexes, male and female hormones are effected, by the pre-full moon, and during a full moon. Testorone , and estrogen levels are getting higher, at pre-full moon achieve, their peak at full moon and go back to normal after full moons. During the full moon, if you are sleeping, in the moonlight you can feel over energized. Exposure to moonlight, can keep you from falling asleep. 3 days before and 3 days after the full moon the veils, are very thin and energies can be easier effected, than other times of the moon cycles. You can observe very closely, at how the tides, are and how people behave, and how animal behave, just before, during and after a full moon. You can make your own conclusion, on how the magnetic energy, of the moon effects us all, whether we know it or not. Have a wonderful peaceful, time whatever you do during the full moon.

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