Thursday, December 9, 2010

Great Things To Do For Your Eye's

Your eye's are very sensitive organs that  need to be cared for so that they can function properly. We use our eye's on the average between 12-18 hours per day, and learn to depend on them for our visual needs that we have. Now days our eye's can be under more strain and stress, because we have artificial lighting, and use our eye's for more things that cause our eye's to work harder than they ever had to in the past. Palming your eye's will help your eye's feel relaxed and can help you see more clearly. Use your palms to cover your eye's, for about 60 second's at a time, repeat this 3 time's in a roll. Take some deep breaths and relax your eye's, while you are palming them. Massaging on your face and around your eye's can help you see better and improves the circulation to your eye's and face. Use your finger's and knuckle's to massage around your eye's and eye brow's and fore head. Use a gentle circular motion and keep away from your eye ball's and eye lid's. You can take a break every 30 minuet's from what ever you are doing,and go out side in the sun light and look in the distance, for a while. This will help your eye's  and mind to get recharged and feel good about your self and your eye's will thank you for taking care of them.  

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