Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ways to help people communicate with each other

Even though we speak the same language, we are not able to communicate to one another. We tell someone something and they nod, their heads to confirm to you that they understand, what you said to them. Sometimes you will repeat the same words three, four, five, times and you know from the way they look, at you or what they reply, back to you that they are not understanding, you on some level. On the surface, it may appear that you are communicating but people are playing, psychological games, with each other. Head games, are the games people are playing, with each other they will do, or say, what they want, you to hear, or say, something that they really, do not mean at all. Because they feel, that you may be upset, or it might hurt your feelings, if they say what they really mean. Most of these head games, will never be resolved, but the communication between people must have some trust, based on each other in order for them, to be able to communicate fully with pure understanding, from each other. It is important that each and every one of us have to clear, the air about past, issues and have a clear understanding, of one another before, we can communicate openly on the same level, of understanding each other. Learn to be patient, with one another and have a compassionate heart, and never do, say, or think, anything that would hurt anyone that you want, to communicate on the same level. It is important to learn how to forgive, each other from anything in the past, or present, that may have blocked the communication with each other. Clear up any issues, that are causing the person to feel disrespected, and so that the trust is assured, and regained, between you both these are some helpful, things to help people communicate on the same level. with each other.
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