These are non intrusive, ways to help support the bodies innate intelligence. The bodies own, wisdom that is contained inside of us. There are many kinds of different alternative medicines, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathic, homeopathic, herbology, traditional chinese medicine, nutritional supplements, touch for health, applied kinesiology, edukinesiology, edukinesthetics, biokinesiology, contact reflex analysis, etc. what is the common similarities of all of these alternative medicines? Quantum Qi healing can be included in this group. All of the above methods use a form of kinesiology, to test with , to find what the body is asking, for in order to keep it in tune or balanced. The body knows, what it needs in order to maintain, it at its optimum level. In order to stay healthy. Muscle testing or muscle kinesiology is used as a biofeedback, from the body to let the practitioner keep it balanced, at its optimal level. Whatever the body is asking for structural, nutritional, homeopathic, etc. you can check it using muscle testing, and you will be able to find out what the body is requesting, in order to keep it healthy, at its optimal potential. The bodies innate intelligence, is asking for non, intrusive methods in order to keep it balanced.The body is not asking for intrusive, methods that are counter productive and go against the bodies innate wisdom, that can cause harm and not maintain your bodies optimal level. your body knows better than you do. you can muscle test to be sure.
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