Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thermography and Ultrasound used to scan breasts

This is a method to help detect any type of tumors, that could be a potential hazard to your health. The first stage of formation, of a tumor is to have blood supply in the form of capillaries, veins, arteries, in order for the tumor to continue to grow. When this happens the circulation, of blood can be detected by thermography scanning, as an increase in temperature, in the surrounding area near or inside, your breasts. Thermography scale is very clear and precise, the amount of inflammation gets shown by: red-the highest, orange - high, yellow - medium, green - low, blue -least amount of inflammation.The thermography scanning is very safe, and will not cause any harm to you or your breasts, now or in the future. When you are being examined by ultrasound, the procedure is not harmful to you or your breasts, and this will give you another, way to safely scan your breasts, so that you can see for yourself, that there is no growth, or any tumors, inside or around your breasts. You can ask the doctor or the technician, about what you are observing, at the moment you are having the ultrasound scanning done. By using the combination, of thermography and ultrasound scanning you will be able to detect the earliest, possibilities of any increase in temperature, and any visible, signs of any cysts, lumps masses, tumors, growth of any kind what so ever. This is one of the safest, and most accurate, ways to prevent any future problems, that may or may not progress into anything serious for you and you breast.
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