Just take a look around, you and see how beautiful things are wherever you are right now. You can take a ride to go to the beach, and you are creating your perfect paradise along the way. Imagine the beautiful coastline, with smooth white sand and gentle waves coming to shore. You see blue sky and huge white puffy clouds in the distance. Palm trees, and some wild horses running on the beach along the shore line. Your beloved has packed a picnic for all of your best friends, to share and you are taking the long path to the sea shore. You are listening to your favorite, music and looking out the window along the way to the beach. As the perfect day unfolds, you can sense the amazing day you are creating. Your friends are also creating this perfect trip to the beach. When you all arrive at the picnic area you can hear the birds singing, in the trees you are going to have your picnic lunch beneath. All of you are looking at the aquamarine, colored water and it appears perfect for swimming. The water is cool and so refreshing, from the heat of the day. Two of you in your group dive straight in head first. You walk along the sea shore, and let the waves come against your thighs, as the tide makes your balance a little unsteady at times. You can see and feel the calming, and relaxing effects of the water. One of your friends is asking you to pose for photographs, and you look over and start to smile and laugh at each other, being touched by the natural elements, you are exposed to in this special moment. You are floating on your back, and looking up at the beautiful sky you contemplate, on how incredible life is right now in this moment. You look at your beloved next to you and smile contently, and she, responses back to you. This is how life is supposed to be like right, now where we are right now. I reply back yes this is our creator’s perfect paradise created for us all to enjoy, and experience love and beauty to share with our creator and his children. Everything is perfect and is in divine order. We have all our needs met plenty of abundance, and prosperity all around us to live now in this moment without limitations. One of our friends suggests, a game of water tag and so you all agree and start to play as you are smiling, and laughing at one another being chased by the other one. You are starting to watch out for the person who is the tagger, and keep your distance from them in order to not be tagged. After you are fully exhausted, from your water fun in the hot sun your friend calls it quits and it is time for your lunch. More photos, are being taken as you are coming back to shore. Your friends have already prepared, the picnic blanket on the ground and there lays a perfect meal prepared with love and surprises, from everyone that created this special meal to enjoy with each other. You all give thanks to our creator, for everything that you have here and now in your lives. You all enjoy every bite with contentment, all over your faces. You all eat until you feel content, and there is a bounty of foods to share and enjoy with. Some more photos are taken during your feast and afterwards to bring you close together in this special moment. One of the friends suggest that you all go for a walk along the shore line, to go see what beautiful things are there down the shore line. You start walking in that direction and you see different, people and landscape along the way. They are truly amazing and beautiful beyond your imagination. When you feel the heat of the sun, you stroll along the water’s edge and stroll in to the water so you can cool off if you like. The soft white sand is a pleasure as you walk smiling, and laughing with your friends. You notice that there is white coral, in the sand beneath your bare feet and pick up some to take a look at it. One of your friends explains these are from the coral reef, out in the sea and these have been damaged by the strong tides, out there in the ocean. Then you pose for some more photos smiling, and posing in funny positions in the array of the beautiful landscapes all around you in the perfect paradise, you have created together n this special moment right now. As you are walking along the shoreline, one of friends suggests that you all go and swim back, to the picnic place. Some of you start to swim, and some of you want to walk in the water along the shore. You see wild horses and their colts walking behind their parents. There is a good rider galloping, along the shore line passed you in the opposite direction. As you are playing, with each other you head back to where you can meet up with each other before you head back home. It is a sticky ride back home as the wind is blowing your hair dry and you are all listening, to your favorite songs on the stereo and enjoying the perfect paradise in the special moment you have all created together here and now.
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scientific and general topics about natural healing with nutrition and energy for you and your pets for your knowledge and enjoyment
Monday, February 28, 2011
Today is dedicated to our creator
Everything in this moment is for all of us to experience these never ending constant changing miracles. This is our creator’s perfect plan and we are all part of it to enjoy. One moment you look outside, and in one direction it is clear and in the other direction it is cloudy. The wonderful colors of the landscape, the blue sky will keep changing, as the wind blows the clouds in for some rain to cool, down the heat of the day. The thunder rumbles, cross the sky and then a flash of lighting suddenly appears in the distance. The breeze becomes stronger, and you feel the moisture in the air as the cool rain falls down on your skin. As you look out in the calm sea, where there is a patch of blue sky and huge puffy clouds are changing their shape constantly. When we are present, in the moment we can be in the array of the beautiful colors that expands across the sky. Our heavenly father, the master of all creation has given his children a special gift from his heart. It is the love and light that we are being blessed, by when a double rainbow, is painted across the sky and makes us wonder how magnificent, this day truly is and we all give our sincere gratitude, for everything that is before our eyes. Dusk falls as the waxing moon, is being fuller in the evening sky you can hear crickets, and frogs chirping as the evening unfolds. As we sit in our meditation, to calm our busy minds that are filled with lovely thoughts of the memory of this glorious, day giving thanks to the creator there is peace in our hearts.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
UV treating the blood for infections caused by bacterias
If there is an infection, in the body it can cause problems and will effect the blood. There are may things that can be damaged if the infection goes untreated such as kidney and liver toxicity. By using antibiotics, there are side effects and this weakens the bodies immune system. They also kill off beneficial, flora in the large and small intestines. When you use and UV light to run the blood, through this will kill off the harmful, bacterias and not kill off the beneficial bacterias. There are no side effects, with using the UV light to treat the blood. This is can be very helpful, for people who have to have dialysis, because of their kidneys, are not functioning properly and also diabetes type 2, due to their pancreas not functioning properly and their kidneys, are not able to defend any infections, from trying to attack their body. People with parasites, can benefit from having their blood treated with UV light, to help kill off the spores, and eggs , so they will not hatch out again. Anemia is helped by having your blood treated with UV light. There is some help for people that have leukemia, when their blood is treated with UV light. This can be done once, or more then once if your condition, is very serious or chronic. Check with your health care professional, to see if this method will be effective for your situation.
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Monday, February 7, 2011
The Healing Power of Touch
Loving touch is very beneficial for us all, we need to be touched and it keeps us alive and healthy. If we do not have physical, touch in a loving positive manner we will not feel that we are loved, and will not be healthy in a balanced way. We will do all kinds of different things in order, to make sure we are getting touched. WE will go out dancing and mingle, in crowds of people just so we can be touched physically. We may spend money, and receive a therapeutic massage, so that we get some healing touch. You may play around with your brother or sister and he or she will be physically touching, you in the process of this horseplay. Many people will have pets such as dogs, or cats, and they will be able to receive loving touch. When a healer, is using their hands on you and they are sending you loving touch, from their heart to your heart, you will be able to receive a healing from the creator, through them directly to you . People need to be touched and healed on many different levels, in order for them to be lovingly touched, and feel loved. Make sure you do whatever you have to do in order to get your dosage, of loving touch today and always.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Alternative Medicine a non intrusive form of therapy
These are non intrusive, ways to help support the bodies innate intelligence. The bodies own, wisdom that is contained inside of us. There are many kinds of different alternative medicines, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathic, homeopathic, herbology, traditional chinese medicine, nutritional supplements, touch for health, applied kinesiology, edukinesiology, edukinesthetics, biokinesiology, contact reflex analysis, etc. what is the common similarities of all of these alternative medicines? Quantum Qi healing can be included in this group. All of the above methods use a form of kinesiology, to test with , to find what the body is asking, for in order to keep it in tune or balanced. The body knows, what it needs in order to maintain, it at its optimum level. In order to stay healthy. Muscle testing or muscle kinesiology is used as a biofeedback, from the body to let the practitioner keep it balanced, at its optimal level. Whatever the body is asking for structural, nutritional, homeopathic, etc. you can check it using muscle testing, and you will be able to find out what the body is requesting, in order to keep it healthy, at its optimal potential. The bodies innate intelligence, is asking for non, intrusive methods in order to keep it balanced.The body is not asking for intrusive, methods that are counter productive and go against the bodies innate wisdom, that can cause harm and not maintain your bodies optimal level. your body knows better than you do. you can muscle test to be sure.
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Thermography and Ultrasound used to scan breasts
This is a method to help detect any type of tumors, that could be a potential hazard to your health. The first stage of formation, of a tumor is to have blood supply in the form of capillaries, veins, arteries, in order for the tumor to continue to grow. When this happens the circulation, of blood can be detected by thermography scanning, as an increase in temperature, in the surrounding area near or inside, your breasts. Thermography scale is very clear and precise, the amount of inflammation gets shown by: red-the highest, orange - high, yellow - medium, green - low, blue -least amount of inflammation.The thermography scanning is very safe, and will not cause any harm to you or your breasts, now or in the future. When you are being examined by ultrasound, the procedure is not harmful to you or your breasts, and this will give you another, way to safely scan your breasts, so that you can see for yourself, that there is no growth, or any tumors, inside or around your breasts. You can ask the doctor or the technician, about what you are observing, at the moment you are having the ultrasound scanning done. By using the combination, of thermography and ultrasound scanning you will be able to detect the earliest, possibilities of any increase in temperature, and any visible, signs of any cysts, lumps masses, tumors, growth of any kind what so ever. This is one of the safest, and most accurate, ways to prevent any future problems, that may or may not progress into anything serious for you and you breast.
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You can safely get your child off speed (Ritalin and Aderal)
Whether you are aware or not there are nearly 20 million children that are on some kind of speed every day, of their life before they go to school. They are required to take these drugs. The drugs are very addictive type of drugs and you are not allowed to get off of them, once you put on them. They are used to treat ADD, ADHD (Attention deficit disorder, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder). This is a labeling term for a hyperactive condition that your doctor or child psychologist will use to diagnose, your child and then prescribe drugs Retilan and Aderal, these drugs are very addictive, and have side effects, that are very severe. Aderal has side effects that cause sleep deprivation, insomnia, can cause damage to your heart, stenises (constriction) of the aorta, lack of appetite, nervousness, aggressive behavior, these drugs are classified as ( mythephedamines ) They should never abruptly stop them, they can cause very serious side effects, even heart failure. These children are in a situation that is causing them to have hyperactive tendencies, with the florescent lights that are studying under or having to spend in doors all day long. These florescent lights cause hyperactive behavior, nervousness, headaches, eye strain, lack of attention behaviors. Then they are eating and drinking foods, that are processed with chemicals, dyes, coloring, preservatives, such as( MSG ) mono sodium glutamate, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, colas, soda pops, sugars, empty carbohydrates, junk foods, that are addictive and cause cravings for more sugars. Seek help and ask your professional health care practitioner, such you as your acupuncturist, chiropractor, naturopath, certified nutritionist, for some help. It is possible for your child to withdraw from Ritalin, and Adral safely, it takes some serious treatments and guidance allow to 2-3 month to get your child through their withdrawals.
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Aroma therapy to help purify the air
For eons and eons, people have used essential oils to purify the air. By using the natural oils from plants, flowers, nuts, seeds, roots, barks, fruits, you can obtain many varieties of different scents,from essential oils. To make you feel pleasant, all around yourself and in the environment that you are in. By burning incense that is made with essential oils, and other natural materials, can make you feel calm peaceful, and help to clear your mind of clutter, and stray thoughts, that you do not want. You can use one kind of an essential oils such as musk, fro opening up your orifices (nose, ears, eyes, mouth) and this is very helpful for relieving your sinuses, head, and your mind. Some essential oils can purify an infected area from odors from pets, bacterias, from the stale air inside your home, eucalyptus, lemon balm, peppermint, lavender winter green, camphor, menthol, will help to clean the air and environment. Myrrh and frankincense are very wonderful essential oils, they are great for helping your mind expand, and be more clear, in your thoughts. Coconut oil, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, can purify your home and office to help you feel more harmonious, in your environment like you are in a tropical rain forest. When you need to relax, and unwind your mind from a long and busy day, use chamomile, hops, orange blossoms, lemon, these scents are to help relax and sleep soundly. Whatever essential oils and scents you decide to use, remember to take a view deep, deep, deep , breath and exhale and enjoy your amazing aroma therapy in this moment right now.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
ways to help people communicate with each other
Even though we speak the same language, we are not able to communicate to one another. We tell someone something and they nod, their heads to confirm to you that they understand, what you said to them. Sometimes you will repeat the same words three, four, five, times and you know from the way they look, at you or what they reply, back to you that they are not understanding, you on some level. On the surface, it may appear that you are communicating but people are playing, psychological games, with each other. Head games, are the games people are playing, with each other they will do, or say, what they want, you to hear, or say, something that they really, do not mean at all. Because they feel, that you may be upset, or it might hurt your feelings, if they say what they really mean. Most of these head games, will never be resolved, but the communication between people must have some trust, based on each other in order for them, to be able to communicate fully with pure understanding, from each other. It is important that each and every one of us have to clear, the air about past, issues and have a clear understanding, of one another before, we can communicate openly on the same level, of understanding each other. Learn to be patient, with one another and have a compassionate heart, and never do, say, or think, anything that would hurt anyone that you want, to communicate on the same level. It is important to learn how to forgive, each other from anything in the past, or present, that may have blocked the communication with each other. Clear up any issues, that are causing the person to feel disrespected, and so that the trust is assured, and regained, between you both these are some helpful, things to help people communicate on the same level. with each other.
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Nail and toe fungus is coming from inside out
Think that this is topical origin , so the treatments are all based on external applications. These work for an while and then your fungus reappears in the same location as it did before. So you try some other products or something a little stronger ans maybe you apply it more often and for a longer duration of time. Then you notice it slowly coming back, in the same location. You take all the precautions and make sure you are not getting this from anywhere, like the club, swimming pool, sauna, the whirl pool, shower stall bath tub, changing your socks two times a day, not going barefoot in public places. have you ever notice when you are eating ice cream, sweet fruits like honey dew melon, and eating sugar, candy, cakes, pies, cookies, you will notice that your fingers and toe fungus, itch, tingle or break out more severe at this time. The reason why this may happen is because your fungus is inside of your body growing rapidly. When we feed it sugar, dairy, fruits, carbohydrates. More than 85%, of the USA, population have a yeast, mold fungus overgrowth. Due to our diets that are high in sugars, carbohydrates, junk foods, to much processed foods, and the highest level of antibiotics used in the world. Our bodies immune systems are overtaxed, and are not functioning at their optimum levels, that they could. You can help to turn this around by eating un-pasturized og yogurt with live active cultures, get some high quality probiotics, such as acidophilus, bifido bacterium, lactis that help support your immune system, and large, and small intestines, With the proper kind of healthy digestive tract, that you need. Cut out the ice cream, and junk foods, and eat more fresh vegetables, and whole grains, such as og buckwheat,og rolled oats, og brown basmati rice, this will help your overall health and not feed your yeasts, molds, fungus, and then you can say good bye, to your nail and toe fungus for good.
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acupuncture facelifts can help you look younger
This can help your circulation, and skin will become more elastic, and firmer, when you get an acupuncture face lift, treatment it can help your skin, and the lymphatic system, release poisons and toxins, from your skin and your body. When you have an acupuncture face lift, treatments thin needles, are placed in specific acupuncture points that are on your scalp, face, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet. You can apply them in the areas on the face, around your mouth area, smile lines, in order to address the areas, that need the attention the most. You can put them around your eyes such as the temple, and beneath the lower eyelids, to help with wrinkles, bagginess, under the eyelids. You can have them put in your ears, and this will treat your whole body via the auricular points. Depending on how severe your skin, and wrinkles, are will determine how many treatments you will need. This is a wonderful way to prevent, wrinkles from forming in the first place, by getting the face lift treatments in advance. This can help to reduce scars, that you may want to have demonished on you face or head areas. This procedure is very easy, to have done and there is very little pain involved, you will feel very relaxed during the treatments and after wards. You will feel great and look much younger.
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