In order to help relieve physical pain, you need to first heal the pain, and trauma, where you were injured. There are many different approaches, to doing this such as acupuncture, chiroprcatic, massage, nutritional supplements, analgesics, hot, cold, to the injured areas. You can do energetic healing, on the areas to help to release the pain, and trauma. This is important in order for you to heal, other wise the bodies tissues, remember this and store it and will not heal. This pain, and trauma, is still there and is causing you pain and suffering. The storage of pain, and trauma, is blocking your natural energy flow, and this is the reason you have pain there. Energetic healing, will help to release this pain, and trauma, so that you can heal. Acupuncture will help to release the blockage, and inflammation so that you can get some relief from your physical pain, and trauma. Acute pain, and trauma, need three treatments for the first week, than after the first couple, of weeks you can have one, treatment per week. Continue until your pain is vanished, or you are sure that you no longer need them.
Pain free from any movements, or discomfort, in doing the range of motion that used to cause you pain, when you did it in the past,before your acupuncture treatments. If you have acute pain, and trauma, you can ice it for 20 minutes, and then no ice for 20 minutes. You can use ice and then heat for 20 minutes, repeat this process, continue this for 48hrs. when ever you have pain. This is considered the acute phase of the injury. There are some natural nutritional supplements, that can help with reducing the inflammation, glucosmine, chondrotin, you can take 1500mg two to three times per day.
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