Friday, January 7, 2011

The Benenfits of Acupuncture

there are many benefits, that you can gain with acupuncture. Our bodies are made to function bio electric and have energy channels throughout them. They are all connected to each other, and can be effected by one another. When we are healthy and feeling, at our optimal best, they are all in balance. When we are feeling ill and not well, then one of the acupuncture, is out of balance. When we are very sick and having severe problems, in our bodies, two of the acupuncture channels, are out of balance. When we are in a critical condition, and very ill and this is a crisis, type of situation, 3 of the acupuncture channels, are out of balance. All of our major organs, are connected to the acupuncture channels, such as our heart, small intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, pancreas, lungs, large intestine, the kidneys, bladder, the brain, and central nervous system, are all connected to them, as electrical pathways, of a network throughout our bodies. By receiving acupuncture treatments, can help to prevent and maintain our optimal, state of balanced health, now and in the future. When you insert an acupuncture needle through the skin, there is an auto immune system response, and this small electrical current can and releases biochemical called endorphins and enkephalins are produced in the brain, in order for our bodies, to help keep us from having any pain, Endorphines, and enkephalins, are the bodies natural, pain killers. These are released from acupuncture treatments, and they are 500 times more potent than morphine, and they are natural, from our brain, and they are non addictive. The other benefits from acupuncture is that they stimulate an auto immune system response and this can be beneficial, to help strengthen our immune system, defending against colds, and flus. When you get an acupuncture treatment, and have the benefits from it, you will feel, very calm, and relaxed, from the release of the endorphins, and enkephalins, from the brain. Enjoy your acupuncture treatment.

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