scientific and general topics about natural healing with nutrition and energy for you and your pets for your knowledge and enjoyment
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A Great Way To Help Your Hearing
Ear candles can help improve your hearing. This is and old method, to improve your hearing, and help open up your sinuses. You can use the ear candles that are made from cotton muslin cloth and beeswax. You can use more than one, ear candle per session. The more times you do the ear candling, you are getting more wax and obstructions, removed from your ear canals, and sinuses. The way ear candles work is you put the narrow end, of the ear candle is placed through a aluminum pie plate, you can use a pair of scissors or knife to make, a small x in the center, of the aluminum pie plate just, big enough to put the ear ,candle through. Use the narrow end, of the ear candle and put it inside, the opening to your ear canal. Just far enough to barely, touch the surface, of your ear canal. Then you can lie down on your side, and have your friend, help you do this procedure. You will need a large pan of water, filled about one third full. This is were the used ear candles, will go when they are burned, down far enough to remove them and extinguish, in the pan of water. Make sure that you move, your hair, and clothing, or any flammable bedding, and materials away, from the burning ear candles. After you lied down on your side and put a non flammable aluminum pie plate, covering your ear, and head area, put the narrow end, of the ear candle through, the hole in the pie plate, and place it in the opening of your ear canal, so that it makes a seal, no smoke will come out of the seal you have created. (you can put a red line circling around the bottom 6 inches up from the narrow end, this is your caution line to let you know when it has burnt down far enough.The person with you watching can observe, closely and make the decision, to take the ear candle out) Light the top of the ear candle with a lighter, and let it burn down so that it can help all the wax, obstructing you ears, and sinuses.Remember to let it burn, down to the red line only. Do not let it burn down passed the red line. You can use 2-3 ear candles per ear, each session. You can do both, ears in the same session. Remember to remove, the ear candle when it has burned down to the red line, and remove it from the ear canal and put it out, in a pan of water. After you have extinguished, your ear candles you can use a pair of scissors to cut, open the narrow end of the ear candles and examine what is inside them . Caution do not touch, or let any kids, or pets play with this yellowish colored powder, it may contain bacterias, viruses, fungus , mold, etc. Discard this yellowish powder, into the proper waste container. When you check your hearing, you notice how much your hearing has improved , you will be glad, you tried ear candling to help your hearing.
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