Saturday, May 28, 2011

Parasites the one's that feed off other's table

You all know that certain types of organisms are parasitic in nature,such as flies and worms.We all have a certain number of parasites in our bodies.This is normal, and our immune system and other good bacterias through out our elimination system,large and small intestines keep us in balance so that we do not have any problems with parasites through out our bodies.When you get an infection or viruses you can have an out break of parasites and your body will get out of balance. You can also be exposed to parasites from eating meats such as pork,poultry,raw fish (Susi) raw dairy,milk products,fresh fruits and vegetables,Tap water,water cress.Certain soils can also be contaminated with parasitic spores,and you can get pin worms, and round worms,hook worms,from the fecal matter that is in the soil,you are growing your fruits and vegetables. In certain parts of the world, where they use human fecal matter to fertilize their soils with. You don't have to live in a third world country to get parasites,you can get them no matter where you are living or visiting. How do you know if you have an parasitic over growth? The symptoms can be many different kinds,including being hungry just after finishing a meal,constipation,diarrhea,flatulence,indigestion,cramps,pain in the abdominal areas,rectal bleeding ,bleeding-hemorriods,poor eye sight,blurred vision,floaters in the visual field feel extremely tired,head aches, irritable,depressed,angry,cranky,grouchy,itchy skin, itchy rectum,restless sleep,foggy headed,un clear thinking,poor short term memory. These are some of the symptoms from parasites,if you have any of these symptoms you could benefit from doing an anti-parasite cleanse. When you do decide to do a anti-parasite program,make sure you do a complete program that will take at least 2 months,to make sure you have throughly gotten rid of all the parasites,eggs and spores. Some people have to go through more than one program,and it may take even longer than 2 months to clear up,difficult types of parasites (amebas and tape worms) It is always wise to be extremely care full when dealing with parasites,you do not want them to have any chance on ever coming back.

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