Monday, May 2, 2011

Acupuncture for herniated disc conditions

This can be used for an acute or chronic herniated disc conditions that are causing you pain. When you are suddenly injured your disc and there is very severe pain in your back, it can be in your upper cervical middle (thereatic) or lower (lumbar and sacrum) areas of your spine. This can be due to an acute injury and you can have acupuncture to help relieve pain and reduce the inflammation in the local areas you are having discomfort in. Somewhere you might have had an injury from a skiing , car accident, or carrying heavy that could have cause this condition to happen. For an acute condition, have acupuncture treatment. One time each day, for a week and your condition will be cleared up, and your pain will be relieved. If you have a chronic condition more than 6 month, you can also use acupuncture to help relieve the pain and discomfort. This may take about 2-3 month. You can start out with 3 treatments a week, than one treatment each week until your pain is relieved. The first part of an acute stage is the first 48 hours. Be careful not to do any sudden movements. That will cause you to re injure yourself or lift anything that is heavy. Acupuncture releases the natural pain inhibitors from our our brains called endorphins and enkephalins. these are 500 times more potent than morphine. This is produces and non addictive. Please refer to my blog post on 1/07/2011 called the benefits of acupuncture.
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1 comment:

  1. Acupuncture is part of the treatments done of holistic clinics and a very effective natural remedy for body pain.
