Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Skin Cells That Regrow New Cells From your Body

This is an amazing technique to use to be able to regrow new cells that are on a thin layer that is grown from your own cells. Because of the fact that these cells are your own cells, there is no rejection from your body. The man who is the leader in this field is a Japanese researcher, Dr. Oconon,Ph.D.,in Tokyo Japan area. He has been doing this kind of research for nearly 37 years. he was able to help an elderly Japanese man who had congestive heart failure. This man was on an artificial heart before and he could not walk with out severe fatique and would be out of breath after words. He had Dr.Oconon,Ph.D. use his cell sheets, and place it over the mans injured area of his heart, and in a couple of weeks,his cells had regenerated. The damaged area of his heart was repaired.The doctors were able to remove, the artificial heart, and the elderly man was able to walk his dog again with out getting out of breath. Like he did before this procedure was done. Another man had an eye operation, where this cell sheet, was used to regenerate the man's cornea of his damaged eye. Dr. Oconon, Ph. D. wants to introduce other countries to work in cooperation with his cell sheet techniques. In Japan it takes 10 years to approve new procedures and new types of research. He traveled to the USA, and worked in a hospital. He did a lecture for a group of specialist and they listened to his lecture about his cell sheet technique to regrow new cells from your own body,with an open mind but were considering the lack of not enough clinical trial in order to convince them. So then Dr. Oconon, Ph.D. traveled to Stockholm, Sweden and approached the number 1 medical institute,and lectured to the top specialist in their fields,and they agreed to cooperate with him. Now he is working with these Swedish doctors and there he will have a great opportunity to show them that this cell sheet method can be developed and be able to help people with many different kinds of chronic conditions, where conventional methods are not able to help.

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