You can move the clocks forward or backward but you can not fool your internal clock. Have you ever wondered why setting the clock back or forward you have a period to adjusting to the new time you are in? Your body is doing everything it can to help it readjust to the new time. Even though you set your clock ahead or back you will wake up at the same time as the old time you used to wake up to. Why?
Your body has its own internal clock that it is synchronized with, the amount of light it is exposed to.
The pineal gland, in your brain regulates the amount of serotonin and melatonin that is necessary to induce wake and sleep cycles. Your biological clock is called your circadian rhythm and is regulated by the amount of light you are exposed to. Blue colored rays in the early morning hours and red colored in the early evening can help to resynchronize your internal clock. In the fall time when you our clocks you are having to get up when it still dark and getting back home when it is already dark. For some people it can take two weeks to a month before their internal clocks can get reset again properly. I wish that they would leave my internal clock alone. Then I would not interrupt my natural biological clock, and I could sleep properly. Pay close attention to the birds, dogs, cats, and other animals, they will not be effected by the time change. They will remain on their natural biological rhythm , wake, nap, sleep the same as they usually do because they are still synchronized with their internal clocks. Maybe our fine feathered friends and other animals are a good lesson for us to observe and learn from. Their internal clocks know better than we think.
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