scientific and general topics about natural healing with nutrition and energy for you and your pets for your knowledge and enjoyment
Friday, December 31, 2010
Laughter Has A Positive Effect On Us All
We all need to laugh and it has an overall positive effect on us all. When we are seeing and experiencing an amusing thing, such as watching a kitten chase another kitten around this can be very uplifting and make us laugh at them playing with one another. When you are laughing because you were contemplating about, how funny an experience you just had with some pleasant memory. This is having a good effect on us all. We all need laughter and to feel happy. To feel happy in your heart from laughter, can have wonderful effects on you. I heard of a person who was diagnosed with terminal cancer by their doctor. They went home and made the choice to watch comedy and funny movies, cartoons and within a couple of months they regained their health completely. Laughing has a positive effect on our immune system and increases the endorphines and increases the blood flow to the brain, heart, and central nervous system. Laughter increases the T-4 killer cells, and lymphocytes in the body. That attack the cancer cells, and strenghten the bodies own defenses. So tickle your funny bone, on a regular basis it will keep the doctor away. Laughter can aid in your digetstion, when you feel happy about something go ahead and laugh about it does the body good. All of us benefit from laughter.
How Music Can Lift Your Spirit
Music has more access to channels than the spoken words. Music has the ability to connect us to the source of everything. These vibrations are all around us every where all the time.We can make the choice to tune in and perceive them when we want to do so or choose not to when we want to. When we are in a receptive mode and our channel is tuned in to a certain frequency we are able to perceive the vibrations as music. You perceive sounds in your head, and then you can hear the sounds in your ears. Then you can feel the vibrations in your heart. When the vibrations are filling your heart, and you feel the connection to the source of everything. You can feel uplifted by this divine connection to our creator and realize that you are connected to your creator who is the source of everything. The one and all who has manifested you and every thing that ever was and will always be for eternity. You realize that the music, is a gift from the creator the source of everything now and always be for eternity. The gift of our creator showing us all his divine love from his heart and soul. Music is so beautiful that words can not describe, you can only feel in every molecule of your being how much he loves us all endlessly forever.
Joy Comes From Within Yourself
Emotions are part of us and they are all around us where ever we are. We have emotions from the past, present, and future. That we have to deal with every day if we choose to. We are all seeking to find peace of mind. Sometimes when we are looking for answers outside of ourselves, we cannot find them. There are many distractions all around us trying to keep us away from the answers we are looking for. It maybe a new home or car you strive for to think this will fulfill your dreams. Many of us are looking for a certain kind of relationship or person to make them happy. People are driven to work hard and strive for financial goals and dreams in order to be happy. Many people even look for government or political solutions for happiness. Many of us are moving from place to place or county to county looking for that certain place or spot that makes them feel content. In order to find and experience true happiness and joy one needs to look within oneself. This is where true joy is found. With in your heart and soul lies true happiness you can feel and experience right now in this present moment. You need to not seek any where else but within your own self, deep inside your heart you will find joy. The way to access this joy is to love yourself.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The benefits of citrus peels
In order to get the greatest benefit of citrus fruits is to peel them. The most nutritious parts of the citrus fruit is the white colored pulp in the inside of the peelings. They are high in vitamins- A, C,K,P,Q. Rich source of citrus bioflavonoids contain enzymes to aid in your digestion. Bioflavoids help to reduce inflammation in your body. These peelings can help to sooth your sore throat, and they have anti- viral properties so you can help your immune system fight against viruses, or colds. All citrus fruits contain them in their peelings. You can peel your citrus fruits and use them fresh in a cup of herbal tea, or you can dry them in the natural sunlight in the open air on the counter top. In about a day or two then put a view pieces in your herbal tea or water you are drinking. They taste wonderful and have many benefits for your health. Choose organic citrus fruits, they are the best.
A Sound Formula For Strong Healthy Bones
Many things are helpful for strong healthy bones. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, copper , trace minerals, vitamins- A, B-12, B-complex, vitamin C, Vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin F. Flaxseed oil helps you assimilate calcium, essential oils, rich in omega 3, 6, 9. Make sure you add a lot of green leafy veggies Like, kale, red and green cabbages, red and green swiss chard, spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cod liver oil, fresh fish such as Cod, Tuna, Salmon with bones (remember to remove bones before eating fish). Beets, Beet tops, carrots, are calcium, iron, copper , magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, rich foods that help you build strong healthy bones. You also can make sure you add some og yogurt with live probiotics.,og cheese,og cottage cheese,og fresh goat milk, virgin pressed og olive oil. Og avocados, og bananas og apples og grapes , og wild blueberries, og rolled oats, og buckwheat, og black beans, og kidney beans, og navy beans og, gar banzo beans. Exercise that involves some weight bearing activities such as dancing, swimming, walking, hiking, rebounding, cycling, tennis, etc... To increase muscle mass, and bone density, include exercising in the natural sunlight like playing tennis outdoors, sking downhill or cross country, swimming outdoors, N.A.S.A did a study and found out that rebounding exercise increased muscle mass and bone density the fastest for astronauts that were in zero gravity in space and had to recuperate their muscle mass and bone density they lost when they were in space. Within two months their muscle mass and bone density was back to normal.
Here comes the sun, the benefits of sunlight
Every sentient being on this planet requires sunlight in order to live. All plants need sunlight to be healthy. Through photosynthesis plant,s absorb and store the essence of sunlight. Sunlight makes us feel good, because it stimulates the production of melatonin in our brain, pineal gland, and this has an anti- depressant effect on our moods, it makes us feel uplifted and have a positive outlook on life. Vitamin D is produced from sunlight being beamed down on our skin and stored in our bodies as melatonin our natural mood elevator. Natural sunlight is an essential nutrient in order for us to be happy and healthy. Make sure you get plenty of your dosage every day of natural sunlight. It does the body mind and spirit good to bath in sunlight on a regular basis. You can absorb the natural sunlight, through your eyes , and the the different spectrum of colors will go to the areas in your brain, visual cortexes and different parts of your body, that is specific for that organ, bones, neves, cells, that your body requires to be balanced and remain healthy. Sunlight can and will heal all kinds of conditions in the body. Your skull and sutures on top of your head and forehead are porous and can absorb, sunlight through them and enter your brain, pineal gland, pituitary gland, thalamus, and hypothalamus galnds in order to stimulate and awaken your psyche (spirit) in order so that you can become the very essence that your creator, manifested in each and every one of us. To be created in the image as himself. The love and light of a perfect being.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How To Have Healthy Teeth and Gums
Having healthy teeth and gums is very important to our health. Most of us take it for granted when we are free of any dental problems. We can eat and drink what we chose and not be concerned about how it effects us. It is only when we develope a dental problem that we pay any attention to our teeth and gums. Beyond going to a qualified preventive biological safe dentist. Brushing and flossing your teeth and gums, proper nutrition is vital to healthy teeth and gums. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium , manganese, copper, iron, zinc, trace mineras, vitamin - B-12, B-complex, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin F, essential oils, omega,3,6,9. Fruits and vegetabeles that are high in antioxidants , these can benfit your teeth and gums to help reduce inflammation in your body. One of the most benefitial things you can do for your teeth and gums, is to expose them to natural full spectrum sunlight. Sunlight will help your teeth and gums heal and grow 5 times faster than not having them exposed to sunlight. you can also add some cold pressed cod liver oil to your diet with high levels of vitamin A, and vitamin D, which can help to heal the teeth and gums. You can use some high quality enzymes to help break down your food and liquids. Enjoy your healthy wonderful teeth and gums. If you take care of your teeth your teeh will take care of you.
How to have a happy healthy digestion
When you are preparing a meal for you or your family make sure you are putting love into the foods you are preparing. The meals will always taste better and you will be able to digest it completely. Drink some decaffeinated herbal tea one hour before a meal of organic spearmint, og peppermint, og fennel, og chamomile, og, ginger root, og alfalfa leaf, og green tea leaf, og licorice root , og dandelion root, og lemon grass before your meal, this will help aid your digestion. It is best to not drink water or liquids just before or during your meals. This dilutes your digestive enzymes and stomach acids, which help digest your foods and liquids. Look at your digestive system as a balancing act. There are certain parts of it as beneficial and non beneficial. Yogurt has live probiotics in them that are very beneficial for your body and help aid in your digestion. Where as yeast, molds, fungus are not beneficial to your body and can cause you a lot of problems in your body if they get out of balance. Some of the symptoms are gas, bloating, pain, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, mood swings, cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, headaches, nausea, vomiting, depression, irritability, weight gain, weight loss, itching of the skin, excessive tiredness, food sensitivities, vaginal infections, bladder infections. Make sure you take your yogurt first thing in the morning use an og yogurt with live probiotics that are still active. You can find alternatives to dairy if you are lactose intolerant or sensitive to dairy. Like goat, carrot, which are non dairy source of probiotics and can help you get the beneficial probiotics without the dairy. These are very good to keep your beneficial bacteria's in balance and help to get the yeast, mold , fungus down to a minimum. You will have a happy healthy digestion, a radiant health from the inside out.
Monday, December 27, 2010
How to have more engergy during the day
When you get a good night sleep and the right number of hours can help you have plenty of energy. Find out how many hours of sleep you need in order to feel your best. Some people only need 7 hours up to 8.5hrs. This will be the proper amount of sleep for you to feel your optimum energy. Make a habit to start your day with doing some gentle movements like some yoga, stretching, before you start doing any quick or strenuous exercises like jogging, running or weight lifting. Eat a high protein low carbohydrate breakfast before you start your day. This will help regulate your blood sugar for the whole day. When you get up you have been fasting 12 to 14 hours during the night and your body needs some proper fuel, foods and liquids to give it energy to run on. This will help to get your body in gear and you will feel like you have some substantial energy for a few hours or more. Have your largest meal during lunch this shoud be a high protein low carbohysrate meal with all the essential vitamins and minerals, including omega 3,6,9, fatty acids. Around 3pm you can have another high protein snack like cheese and crackers or raw almonds and some yogurt, then have a smaller evening meal with some high protein like fish or poulty, veggies, brown rice with a salad with some cheese. Have a cup of herbal tea non caffeinated after your evening meal. Go for a short walk after dinner or do some yoga 1 hour after you eat,your evening meal. By flowing this outline on a regular daily basis will give you plenty of energy during the day.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Can Your Dog Do This ?
Some animals such as dogs and other pets are very intelligent advanced beings. They are capable of doing amazing tricks and tasks. When you are teaching them to do a trick like shake a paw and they understand you immediatley this is a very intelligent dog,cat, bird,etc... You can teach them a new trick every day and they will be able to do it over and over again and remember what you taught them to do. You can teach them to walk on their hind legs, or to sit up on their hind legs and spin around in one direction and in the other direction. You can teach them how to fetch their toy, or freezbee,and they will learn how to catch it in mid air, and bring it back to you when you ask them to or give them a signal to do this task. I have seen dogs that are very athletic and can do back flips,or front flips. Climb a tree,up and down ladders, slide down slides,open and close doors, drawers, put their dish in the dish washer and then close the dish washer door.Put their clothes in the washer and then close the door.Put in a VHS and push it in. Pull me around on snow skis, open and close gate to the property, make their own bed and then cover them self up with their own blanket Tucker my Jack Russel terrier goes in to the shower and begs me to turn on the water and he will jump up and down and bite at the water coming down until I have to turn it off to make him stop jumping up and down. Tucker loves water and you can not keep him away from it he will search it out to play,swim,splash,chase,any kind of water. one thing I saw Jesse a Jack Russel terrier do, was decorate his own Xmas tree by him self. First thing he did was picked up some red bulbs and then some gold bulbs with his mouth and opened them up on the floor. then he grabbed the scarf that is for the base of the tree,with his mouth he circles the base of the tree.Then he grabbed some Xmas tree lights, and with his mouth he raised up on hind legs and circled around the tree to decorate it. Then ran and picked up a red bulb and put it on the tree and continued to put on the rest of the bulbs. Next he picked up a star on a stick with his mouth, as he was hurdling over the Xmas tree he put the star on top of the Xmas tree.Lastly,he switched on the Xmas tree lights and barked Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Avoid caffeine and you will sleep better
There are many millions of people in this country alone, that are not sleeping very well. They are going through their lives without having deep sound sleep during the night. When we are consuming large amounts of caffeine every day, this can have advert effects on your sleeping cycle. The brain needs to be in a deep realm state, in order to get proper sleep. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and can interfere with your deep realm sleeping cycles. When you consume caffeine, this can have negative effect on the function of your brain, the pineal gland, puituitary gland, hypothalamus, and thalamus glands are being overstimulated and cause your central nervous system to be hyped out and out of balance so you can not reach a deep realm sleeping cycle. Caffeine is making your heart and adrenal glands work overtime and this can cause you to have exhaustion and feel like you have run out of fuel. Your liver and kidneys are overworking to help keep your body hydrated, so you will not get toxic overload. Your liver and gallbladder have to process and synthesize everything you put into your body. If you want to improve on your sleeping try avoiding caffeine for a few days. You can cut back on how much you are consuming, gradually also to help get off caffeine. Drink non caffeinated beverages, herbal teas, without caffeine. Usually the withdrawals only last 3-4 days,chills, headaches, irritability, lack of energy, unable to think clearly or some of these symptoms. Remember that this will all be over in a view days and then you will start to feel better and have more energy. You will also start to sleep more soundly in a deep realm state, which you need to recuperate your body completely.Things to help you sleep better including allow at least three weeks for your body to detoxify from the caffeine and other toxins in your body. Exercise on a regular basis and make sure you are eating a balance diet and do some relaxation things before you go to sleep like meditation or prayers to help calm your mind down so you can sleep more soundly.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Drink Herbal Teas To Live Better And Longer
- Drinking herbal teas on a regular basis can have many benefits for your health. They taste wonderful and satisfy your thirst They can be consumed hot, warm, cold, chilled over ice, or added to other foods and liquids. Besides them having a lot of antioxidants, there are many other beneficial photo nutrients. Herbal teas help you curb cravings for foods and sugar. You can add some stevia extract or other natural organic agave syrup. Herbal teas are wonderful for your whole body. Some contain caffeine about 21 mg./ tea bag. Some herbal teas aid in your sleep. There are many herbal teas such as chamomile,cat nip, hops, tilia flowers, valerian root, that help your nerves calm down. There are some herbal teas that can even benefit your memory and cognitive functions, like gingko biloba, ginseng root, yerba mate, eleuthero root,. They will keep your body in a balanced state. Drink them and you will be hydrated and some of the effects are diuretic so you can eliminate excess fluid your body does not need. Herbs in some blends can benefit your liver and eyes like milk thistle, dandelion, bilberry, blueberries. Some of these teas have beneficial properties like pa de aco, cats claw, graviola, Echinacea. You can even benefit your circulation and help reduce cholesterol level with roibois, ginger root, some herbal teas can even benefit pregnant women and help the health of the mother and child, like organic red raspberry leaf, spearmint leaf, strawberry leaf, organic nettle leaf, organic rose hips, organic alfalfa leaf, organic bitter fennel fruit, organic lemon verbena leaf, You can stay healthy and live longer by drinking herbal teas every day.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Help your body rid itself of toxins by rebounding
This a fun and effective way to help your boy get rid of toxins. You can walk, bounce, jump and run on a rebounder. To help activate your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is like lakes, rivers, streams, canals to help your body rid itself of toxins. By rebounding you are activating your lymphatic system, which has one way valves that open on the upwards bounce and close on the downwards bounce. The opening and closing of these one way valves activates the lymphatic system and helps to move the toxins out of your body. A rebounder is a mini-trampoline, that is usually 36-48 inches in diameter and anywhere from 8 to 12 inches high off the floor. With 6 or 8 legs that support the frame. When you bounce on a rebounder you become momentarily weightless and this helps you get the rebound effect. When you begin rebounding start out slowly and just barely lift your heels off the mat. Then after you have warmed up and feel how it feels you can jump a little higher. Start out rebounding about 2-3 minutes at first. Then after a week you can rebound for 15 minutes one or two times a day. Have fun and stay safe, watch out for anything you could hit above your head and around the rebounder. Remember to stay in the center of the mat this will help you remain in the most effective area of the rebounder. Have a great time shedding off your toxins from your body through rebounding.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Massage your feet and stay healthy
A simple way to help the body to maintain its balance is to massage your feet. This can be done while you are sitting in a cross legged position or semi-cross legged. Begin with the left foot if you are a male and right foot if you are a female. The direction of energy goes from the base of your heel towards your toes. Start out gently and then you can apply more pressure gradually as you prefer. You can use the base of your fingers and thumbs. You can use your knuckles or the palms of your hands. A smooth rounded wooden tool can also be applied to certain areas if you like. You can use lotion or a foot balm as a lubricant if you want to help moisturize the skin. This will make your skin softer and feel rejuvenated. In between the pressure techniques you can use some relaxation type of massage techniques, that help you to feel relaxed. A lot of the bodies nerve reflexes are located on the soles of the feet. Massage each foot about 20 minutes at a time. The areas that are sensitive to slight pressure are signs that the energy could be blocked there. These sensitive areas can be massaged on but use gentle pressure at first, then after you have worked these areas you can loosen them up and break up these sensitive places. Massage your feet every day, or when you desire to, it can only benefit your health.The tops, sides, ankles, toes, in between your toes, can be massaged. These areas are very sensitive, use extreme care not to use too much pressure or a wooden tool. Have fun and enjoy your foot massges anytime or anywhere you feel like massaging them.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Accomplish more by taking stretch brakes
You can get the same things done and still have time to take a stretch brake in between your tasks. When you are at the desk , table or sitting down working. Every hour stand up and do some stretches to help increase your circulation in your body. Stand up on your two feet with them about shoulder width apart, and reach up over your head and raise up on your tiptoes and back down on your heels a few times. Stand on both feet shoulder width apart, have both palms of your hands in a praying pose, interlace your fingers and then extend your elbows out in front of your chest, with your palms extended out in front of your body. Now lift up your hands and arms above your head. Lean to each side while you have your elbows extended out above your head, take a deep breath and stretch from side to side repeat this movement a few times. Now use your desk, table , or counter top to hold on to while you place each palm on the edge of the top of your desk , table or counter top. Keep hands a little wider than your shoulders. Extend your feet out away from the counter in the back of you. Stretch out your legs straight back, and then bend each foot back a few times stretching your calf muscles. Repeat on the opposite side a few times so that you loosen up your calf muscles. Now bend your knees slightly and move one of your feet forward closer to the counter and then the other foot. Bend your knees slightly so that you can stand up with both feet shoulder width apart, then move your feet a little closer together and then stand up straight and tall, then take a few deep breaths and relax your body back to where you started from. This will help you feel more circulation, feel more awake, and help to relax your mind so you can accomplish more tasks in less time than you usually do. Remember to be good to your self and take stretch breaks every hour.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Keep Moving And You Will Feel Better
People tend to be sitting or have to drive everywhere these days. When they are capable to walk or run to do some of their daily activities, we have over 602 muscles in our body. Our body was designed for movement. By getting up and move your legs and arms, loosen up your trunk and lower back muscles with some slight stretching of your spine. Stan up and reach high above your head and lean over from side to side. Bend over forwards and touch the ground, do this gently a few times until you are warmed up. Stan on both feet knees together, and slightly bent then move your knees in gentle circular motions a few times in each direction. Stand shoulder width apart on both feet toes are pointed straight forwards, bend one knee and then step forwards with one foot leaving the opposite foot where it was .Place your hands on top of each hip to help balance your body.You can stretch your hips, knees , and calf muscles, in this position. Do this for a few times then switch to the opposite leg , and repeat the same movement a few times. Then while you are standing on one leg , lift up behind you, your opposite foot and rotate your ankle about 6-12 times then repeat this movement on the opposite side with the other ankle. You will feel like dancing put on some nice music to move with and dance a little if you desire. Everything in your body will benefit from more movement , have fun and stay fit as you can.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Great Things To Do For Your Eye's
Your eye's are very sensitive organs that need to be cared for so that they can function properly. We use our eye's on the average between 12-18 hours per day, and learn to depend on them for our visual needs that we have. Now days our eye's can be under more strain and stress, because we have artificial lighting, and use our eye's for more things that cause our eye's to work harder than they ever had to in the past. Palming your eye's will help your eye's feel relaxed and can help you see more clearly. Use your palms to cover your eye's, for about 60 second's at a time, repeat this 3 time's in a roll. Take some deep breaths and relax your eye's, while you are palming them. Massaging on your face and around your eye's can help you see better and improves the circulation to your eye's and face. Use your finger's and knuckle's to massage around your eye's and eye brow's and fore head. Use a gentle circular motion and keep away from your eye ball's and eye lid's. You can take a break every 30 minuet's from what ever you are doing,and go out side in the sun light and look in the distance, for a while. This will help your eye's and mind to get recharged and feel good about your self and your eye's will thank you for taking care of them.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Happy Horses are Healthy Horses
We all love to see healthy horses, when they are happy and are beautiful to see them running in open fields playing with other horses. You feel that they are very loving beings that need our love, to care about them in order to feel loved. Horses are very sensitive beings and feel all the different energies around them. They have a keen sense of how they are being treated. They can remember everything that happens to them. When ever you are brushing their coat or taking them a special treat, remember to come from your heart. Do it with unconditional love. Keep some fresh carrots and apples near by for a treat. Carrots can help their eyes and immune system. Apples are good for their teeth and give them a burst of energy. Before your ride a wonderful snack is rolled oats,barley with some molasses mixed together. This is very nutritious for them, and they get a lot of energy from this mixture. Horses loved to be touched and massaged it helps them to relax. Horses love to be talked to, and they can understand your thoughts. Come from your heart and let them feel how much you love them, and they will be the happiest and healthiest horses you have ever seen or known.
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